Karolyn Kempton Hospital, Togo – 4/20/2013

April 20, 2013 Yesterday I finally met up with the man who does physiotherapy here. Samuel was trained for 6 months by a PT from the US, has had additional training by an athletic trainer and, if I understood correctly, had some training by an orthotist as well. He...

Karolyn Kempton Hospital, Togo – 4/25-26, 2013

April 25-26, 2013 I’ve been having a hard time finding Samuel (the physiotherapy person) so I decided to try to get a French lesson from a willing patient. Yesterday I bought a nice quality tract from the print shop store about the prodigal son. I asked a woman...

Karolyn Kempton Hospital, Togo – 4/15/2013

April 15, 2013 Greetings and Salutations, We are struggling with intermittent Internet. Frustrating! Nevertheless, we had a good first day with the project but I have an aside first. Last Monday before traveling, John Teusink from the hospital wrote and described a...

CURE Dominicana, Dominican Republic – 3/20/2013

March 20, 2013 So sorry for not writing more. The CURE Hospital had been without Internet for about a week and we ran out of Internet at the hotel a few days ago but CURE internet is now back in service. Today we made a second visit to an orphanage for children who...

Kudjip 2012

I think Bill mentioned in yesterday’s update that I spent yesterday (Thursday) morning doing rounds and shadowing a family practice doctor here at Kudjip. We’d had supper the night before with his wife and him and he asked if I’d like to go on rounds...